A poor peasant of Erding could find no way to improve his economic state, despite working many hours every day. His neighbor on the other hand, who did the same work, succeeded in living prosperously. One day the peasant asked his neighbor how he had succeeded in earning so much and the man confided to him that his success was owed to the fact that he kept the Blessed Sacrament in his house. The poor peasant, ignorant in the faith, thought that the Blessed Sacrament was a type of amulet, and decided to imitate his neighbor. He went to Mass on Holy Thursday and after having received Communion, hid the Host in his clothes and left the church with the Holy Eucharist. During his journey, however, his conscience began to accuse him, so he decided to bring the Sacred Particle

As soon as he arrived the priest saw the Sacred Particle resting on a clump of dirt, emitting a bright light. He reached for the Sacred Host, which again flew up in the air and disappeared. The priest alerted the Bishop who wanted to go in person to the site of the miracle. And again the Sacred Particle flew up in the air. The Bishop and the townspeople then decided to build a chapel in honor of the Eucharistic Wonder. There were so many
crowds of pilgrims that flocked there that in 1675, local authorities decided to construct a new and bigger sanctuary in the baroque style. On Sept 19, 1677, Bishop Kaspar Kunner of Freising blessed the new church, which was dedicated to the Most Precious Blood. Various relics were brought to the sanctuary among which was that of the Most Precious Blood of Christ. Since 1992 the sanctuary has been under the care of the monks of St. Paul of the Desert.
1 comment:
Wow! That is amazing that the sanctuary is still present today! What a wonderful Eucharistic Miracle! Thank you for sharing these true stories with us!
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