In 1222 and 1465, two important Eucharistic miracles took place in the town of Meerssen . The first occurred during Holy Mass, when living Blood dripped from the large Host and stained the corporal. The second occurred in 1465, when a farmer was able to rescue the relic of the miracle from a fire that had destroyed the whole church. The church was later rebuilt, and in 1938 Pope Pius XI raised it to a minor basilica. Numerous pilgrims come every year to Meerssen to venerate the relic of the miracle.

In 1465 a huge fire broke out and destroyed the church, but a farmer managed to rescue the relic of the Blood-stained Host, which remained completely unharmed. The townspeople remember this episode as the “Miracle of the Fire.” Despite the fire, the church was immediately rebuilt, and in 1938 Pius XI raised it to a minor basilica. Today it is still a major pilgrimage center in the Netherlands , and the precious relic of the miracle is carried in procession each year on the octave of Corpus Christi .
Thank you for this post, and the other Eucharistic Miracles. You may wish to read about this Miracle in Italy.
God bless.
Thank you so much for this wonderful post! Your blog is important and beautiful!!! May Jesus bless you for what you are doing for Him!
Thank you so much for your encouraging comments..God bless you.
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