39. Viaticum
Communion given as Viaticum should be considered as a special sign of participation in the mystery celebrated in the Mass, the mystery of the death of the Lord and His passage to the Father. By it, strengthened by the Body of Christ, the Christian is endowed with the pledge of the resurrection in his passage from this life.

Therefore, the faithful who are in danger of death from any cause whatever are obliged to receive holy Communion.94 Pastors must ensure that the administration of this sacrament is not delayed, but that the faithful are nourished by it while still in full possession of their faculties.95
Even if the faithful have already communicated on the same day, it is earnestly recommended that when they are in danger of death they should again receive Communion.
40. The Communion of Those Who Are Unable to Come to Church
It is fitting to provide the nourishment of the Eucharist for those who are prevented from attending its celebration in the community. They will thus feel themselves united to this community and sustained by the love of their brethren.
Pastors of souls will take every care to make it possible for the sick and aged to receive the Eucharist frequently, even if they are not gravely ill or in danger of death. In fact, if possible, this could be done every day, and should be done in paschal time especially. Communion may be taken to such people at any time of the day.
41. Communion under the Species of Wine Alone
In case of necessity, depending on the judgment of the bishop, it is permitted to give the Eucharist under the species of wine alone to those who are unable to receive it under the species of bread.
In this case it is permissible, with the consent of the local Ordinary, to celebrate Mass in the house of the sick person.
If, however, Mass is not celebrated in the presence of the sick person, the Blood of the Lord should be kept in a properly covered chalice and placed in the tabernacle after Mass. It should be taken to the sick person only if contained in a vessel which is closed in such a way as to eliminate all danger of spilling. When the sacrament is administered, that method should be chosen from the ones given in the <Ritus servandus in distributione communionis sub utraque specie> which is most suited to the case. When Communion has been given, should some of the precious Blood still remain, it should be consumed by the minister; he will also carry out the usual ablutions.
Communion given as Viaticum should be considered as a special sign of participation in the mystery celebrated in the Mass, the mystery of the death of the Lord and His passage to the Father. By it, strengthened by the Body of Christ, the Christian is endowed with the pledge of the resurrection in his passage from this life.

Therefore, the faithful who are in danger of death from any cause whatever are obliged to receive holy Communion.94 Pastors must ensure that the administration of this sacrament is not delayed, but that the faithful are nourished by it while still in full possession of their faculties.95
Even if the faithful have already communicated on the same day, it is earnestly recommended that when they are in danger of death they should again receive Communion.
40. The Communion of Those Who Are Unable to Come to Church
It is fitting to provide the nourishment of the Eucharist for those who are prevented from attending its celebration in the community. They will thus feel themselves united to this community and sustained by the love of their brethren.
Pastors of souls will take every care to make it possible for the sick and aged to receive the Eucharist frequently, even if they are not gravely ill or in danger of death. In fact, if possible, this could be done every day, and should be done in paschal time especially. Communion may be taken to such people at any time of the day.
41. Communion under the Species of Wine Alone
In case of necessity, depending on the judgment of the bishop, it is permitted to give the Eucharist under the species of wine alone to those who are unable to receive it under the species of bread.
In this case it is permissible, with the consent of the local Ordinary, to celebrate Mass in the house of the sick person.
If, however, Mass is not celebrated in the presence of the sick person, the Blood of the Lord should be kept in a properly covered chalice and placed in the tabernacle after Mass. It should be taken to the sick person only if contained in a vessel which is closed in such a way as to eliminate all danger of spilling. When the sacrament is administered, that method should be chosen from the ones given in the <Ritus servandus in distributione communionis sub utraque specie> which is most suited to the case. When Communion has been given, should some of the precious Blood still remain, it should be consumed by the minister; he will also carry out the usual ablutions.
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