Thursday, May 12, 2011

Instruction on Eucharistic Worship - Sacred Congregation of Rites 1967 - Pt.9



I. Some General Norms Regarding the Celebration of the Memorial of the Lord in the Community of the Faithful

16. The Common Unity to Be Shown in the Celebration

Since through baptism "there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor freeman, male nor female," but all are one in Christ Jesus (cf. Gal. 3:28), the assembly which most fully portrays the nature of the Church and its role in the Eucharist is that which gathers together the faithful, men and women, of every age and walk of life.

The unity of this community, having its origin in the one bread in which all share (cf. I Cor. 10:17), is arranged in hierarchical order. For this reason it is necessary that "each person, performing his role as a minister or as one of the faithful, should do all that the nature of the action and the liturgical norms require of him, and only that."66

The outstanding example of this unity may be seen "in the full and active participation of the entire people of God . . . in the same Eucharist, in a single prayer, around the one altar where the bishop presides, accompanied by his priests and ministers."67

17. The Community Should Not Be Disrupted, nor the Faithful's Attention Diverted

In liturgical celebrations, the community should not be disrupted or be distracted from its common purpose. Care then must be taken not to have two liturgical celebrations at the same time in the same church, since it distracts the people's attention.

This is above all true of the celebration of the Eucharist. That is why that disruption of the congregation is to be assiduously avoided, which, when Mass is celebrated with the people on Sundays and feast days, is caused by the simultaneous celebration of Masses in the same church.

As far as possible it should be avoided on other days as well. The best way of achieving this, is, in accordance with the law, for those priests to concelebrate who want to celebrate Mass at the same time.68 Likewise, when Mass is being celebrated for the people, in accordance with the public timetable of the church, baptisms, marriages, exhortations, and the common or choral recitation of the Divine Office are to be avoided.

19. Welcoming Strangers to the Local Celebration

When any of the faithful take part in a Eucharistic celebration outside their own parish, they will follow the form of celebration used by the local community.

Pastors should do what they can to help faithful from other areas join with the local community. This is above all necessary in city churches and places where many of the faithful come on vacation. Where there are large numbers of emigrants or people of another language, pastors should provide them at least from time to time with the opportunity of participating in the Mass in the way to which they are accustomed. "Steps should be taken however to enable the faithful to say or sing together in Latin those parts of the Mass which pertain to them."70

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