III. The Communion of the Faithful
31. The Communion of the Faithful during Mass

It should belong to the celebrant priest above all to distribute Communion; nor should the Mass continue until the Communion of the faithful is over. Other priests or deacons will help the priest, if need be.83
32. Communion under Both Kinds
Holy Communion, considered as a sign, has a more complete form when it is received under both kinds. For under this form (leaving intact the principles of the Council of Trent,84 by which under either species there is received the true sacrament and Christ whole and entire ), the sign of the Eucharistic banquet appears more perfectly. Moreover, it shows more clearly how the new and eternal Covenant is ratified in the Blood of the Lord, as it also expresses the relation of the Eucharistic banquet to the eschatological banquet in the Kingdom of the Father (cf. Matt. 26: 27-29).
This is why from now on, in accordance with the judgment of the bishops and given the necessary catechesis, Communion from the chalice is permitted in the following cases, which were either already granted by previous legislation 85 or are granted by the present instruction:
1 ) To newly baptized adults in the Mass which follows their baptism; to confirmed adults in the Mass of their Confirmation; to baptized persons who are received into communion with the Church;
2) To bride and bridegroom in the Mass of their wedding;
3) To newly ordained in the Mass of their ordination;

5) To lay missionaries, in the Mass in which they are publicly sent out on their mission, and to all others in the Mass in which they receive an ecclesiastical mission;
6) In the administration of Viaticum, to the sick person and to all who are present when Mass is celebrated in the house of the sick person, in accordance with the existing norms;
7) To deacon, subdeacon, and ministers, who carry out their ministry in a solemn or pontifical Mass;
8) When there is a concelebration:
a) to all who exercise a genuine liturgical function in this concelebration, including lay people and to all seminarians who are present;
b) in their churches, to all members of institutes practicing the evangelical virtues and of other societies in which the members either through religious vows or offering or a promise dedicate themselves to God; and also to all those who normally live in the house of the members of these institutes and societies.
9) To priests who take part in large celebrations, but are not able to celebrate or concelebrate;
10) To all groups which are making retreats or following spiritual exercises, in a Mass which is celebrated during the retreat or exercises for those who are taking part; to all those who are taking part in the meeting of some pastoral commission, in the Mass they celebrate in common;
11) To those listed under nos. 2 and 4, in their jubilee Masses;
12) To the godfather, godmother, parents and spouse of a baptized adult, together with the lay catechists who have prepared him, in the Mass of initiation;
13) To the parents, relatives and special benefactors, who take part in the Mass of a newly ordained priest.
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